Tuesday, November 6, 2007

English edit 2, my first English

write: Arben Llapashtica

English Proficiency and Academic Writing
Molly Staeheli

It is obvious that I must have come across English words, sentences and conversation at a very early age, as foreign movies were my favorites.

However, sensing the importance came only after the war in Kosovo, in 1999. With the presence of the international community and globalization in general, English has become an important part of our daily lives. Not to mention the sole fact that it is an official language in Kosovo.

I am aware of the fact that there is much space for improvement in my English. I do blame the educational system partially, as the city where I come from (Novoberd) had only French as a foreign language in its school curriculum.

This influenced even my further life in high school. I continued taking French classes even though I had moved to Prishtina and was in a high school that did offer English classes.

Where in the higher level of education, at University, I chose Russian Language as a foreign language (since it’s more similar with Serbian which I now very well). However, both these languages were taught to us in a basic level, due to a lack of professional staff who were well-trained in that direction.

As I mentioned before, English Language has become a very important part of our lives, especially in my case as a cameraman and a journalist, every story that I write, involves people that speak in English.

Having been accepted at KIJAC, where the classes are taught in English, I perceived this as an opportunity to improve my English skills. I have also discovered that listening and understanding does not present a difficulty to me. Writing and speaking, on the other hand take much of my time, as I need to concentrate in order to be able to formulate a correct sentence and then link those sentences together into a meaningful text.

Since last year I have started taking English Language classes at “Oxford Studio”. So far I have reached level three which is pre-intermediate and gradually I am getting better in this language.
I could basically compare my self to a child when it comes to English - eager to learn, everything sounds and is interesting, highly motivated to cope with all the obstacles.

I am sure that pretty soon I will be able to communicate fluently in English as that is a goal I have set for the near future. And you know what they say “practice makes perfect”… so now I all I need to do is practice, practice, practice.

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